Wednesday, 10 October 2012

so good!

I have been a lousy blogger these days, but it feels like for me, it's for all the right reasons. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE when people update their blogs regularly, and I'm an avid fan of several. But for me, right now, it has become more important to connect, or rather re-connect, with the real world around me. My house is much cleaner, my kitchen is getting more use, my husband is getting more of my undivided attention, I am starting to see friends more it nesting or whatever you want, but I am really enjoying my electronic cut-back at the moment and have no plans to up my internet hours any time soon!

As for my pregnancy, it is going beautifully now. I feel great most of the time (with the exception of around 5am - 7am when there is no chance that I will sleep and my legs get really uncomfortable) and mainly have loads of energy. Bump is getting reassuringly bigger (see my 25-week pic below), and finally, finally, at exactly 25 weeks, I felt my first real kick, and they have been regular ever since. I had been a bit defensive about it, because everyone kept asking me if he was kicking, and all I had been feeling was him kind of rolling around slowly. OB said it was normal because I have an anterior placenta. But still, it was a relief when I finally got to feel his little punches.

My last urine test /culture showed up a UTI, although I have had no symptoms, so I am on antibiotics right now to get rid of that. But I passed the 1-hour glucose test, and my weight gain has been almost zero over the last month, despite the fact that chick-pea has grown from 680g to over a kilo, which is good, I think, as I had put on about 3 kilos in the previous month.

And here's the belly shot :)

1 comment:

  1. Is there going to be another update from you soon ?
    Hope your doing well.
    Happy Holidays.
