I owe any readers a post to let you know that my precious boy was born in early January, safe and well! He's four and a half months already, and I can't believe where the time has gone! I had a pretty terrible delivery: I had to be induced after my waters broke spontaneously but I didn't have contractions and there was meconium in the amniotic fluid. In the end he was delivered with forceps and I had a 3rd degree tear and an episiotomy. I am still suffering from what I think must have been a botched stitching up job, and I may have to have corrective surgery, but anyway, the important thing is that baby boy was none the worse, and he is now a thriving, giggling bundle of love. I am insanely proud that his chubby thighs are a result of exclusively breastfeeding!
This blog was always meant to be about infertility and our journey to becoming parents, and therefore I am not going to keep it going with stories about motherhood, wonderful though I think those stories are. So I'm signing off for now....BUT when baby boy is about a year old, we will be right back in the game trying for number 2. I am already 37 and will be 38 by then, so I don't want my age to end up being a major factor, we have enough problems as it is! So this blog will be resumed when our journey for a sibling starts.
Good luck and infinite patience to all those who are still on the journey.
This blog was always meant to be about infertility and our journey to becoming parents, and therefore I am not going to keep it going with stories about motherhood, wonderful though I think those stories are. So I'm signing off for now....BUT when baby boy is about a year old, we will be right back in the game trying for number 2. I am already 37 and will be 38 by then, so I don't want my age to end up being a major factor, we have enough problems as it is! So this blog will be resumed when our journey for a sibling starts.
Good luck and infinite patience to all those who are still on the journey.
Greetings! I have a question about your blog! My name is Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)