Saturday, 13 December 2014

Still watching this space

Beta no. 4 was 112. So it doubled. Beta no. 5 is tomorrow, and I'm looking for 336. If it's all on track I'm pretty sure my REs won't ask for another one. But I'm equally sure I will do another one anyway. I'm such a bad patient, I am actually two-timing my REs :) I currently have 2 because one did the stimulation protocol and another did ER and ET. I am calling both with each result and they are each giving me different instructions, hence the ridiculous number of betas. It's suiting me so far!

I feel absolutely 100% pregnant, exactly the same feelings I had with my little boy. Huge boobs, sore legs, a heavy, pulling sensation very low down, and this morning, a couple of hours of nausea. And, the most comforting thing (touch wood) - no bleeding. The only time I got a bit of pink was when I ran out of just after my first beta and switched to utroges.tan. As soon as I got more it cleared up, which makes me think....was all the early bleeding I had during my last pregnancy something to do with the utroges.tan? My progesterone was low then, and although I haven't had it measured this time, it just doesn't feel low. That sounds ridiculous, how would I know what low progesterone feels like? But I just have the sense that my body is doing things right this time, like I feel how a just-pregnant woman should feel.

Again, I'm going to risk putting this out there: I am exactly 5 weeks pregnant. Whatever happens, this is true for today.

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