Wednesday, 16 May 2012


And it's relief once again! The ultrasound this morning was perfect, and showed one beautiful gestational sac and yolk sac. RE was pleased and said that they don't always see the yolk sac at this very early stage. My next ultrasound is in a week and we'll hopefully see a heartbeat by then. No idea if we can expect to hear it yet or just see it.

I asked about my progesterone levels (they were a little low, 12, the day of my first beta) and he said that the blood test doesn't even measure the effect of the suppositories and oral progesterone I'm taking. He got me to do another test anyway, and also told me to take a shot of Pregnyl today, just to be on the safe side. Anyway the test came back at 15.6. Really don't know if that's normal or not but I'm just going to follow my RE's advice and chill out.

Tell me, is it terrible of me to admit I would have loved it to have been twins? Mainly because the thought of potentially going through another 8 cycles of IVF to have a second child, and being 2 years older and 2 years less fertile, fills me with something close to blind panic right now. BUT, I am so utterly and overwhelmingly grateful that we have what looks like one strong chick pea, and part of me is also a tiny bit relieved - it's hard enough taking care of one newborn, let alone two, after all, and the pregnancy itself should be a little easier (especially on the herniated disc in my back that I've had for the last 5 years). The RE said there is still a possibility of twins, we can't confirm it until the next ultrasound, but in the meantime I am assuming we have a single, wonderful life growing in there, and I'm just going to hope to get through the next week without any bleeding scares!

And here is my very last pee stick picture, I promise!


  1. Hi Melanie! I just twitter you and found your blog. Your "About Me" section brought tears to my eyes. I knew going into marriage with my husband that we were going to have issues and I too never doubted marrying him.

    I wrote a book about my fertility journey (not published yet - will ebook on May 30th my triplets 3rd birthday), because some asshole doctor told me to abort my triplet pregnancy, because i was going into preterm labor at 20 weeks. I delivered completely healthy triplets at 34w1d. It still makes me angry to think what if I had listened to that doctor.

    Anyway…my blog is if you're interested.

    Oh…and I bled during a lot of my triplet pregnancy and no a lot of other women who thought there were miscarrying, but it was just the placenta near the cervix.

  2. Thanks Laura, your story is amazing! Congratulations for being so determined. We often feel so disempowered by doctors and never know who to trust. Sometimes the only thing we have is our instinct!
