Saturday, 19 May 2012

Hanging on by the skin of my teeth

It's been a dramatic few days, let's say, and not in a good way! I'm now apparently 5w6d, and it has been an absolute roller-coaster already.

The day after my 5w3d u/s, I started spotting again and decided to take the day off work and rest at home. Later in the day the spotting turned to red bleeding and I freaked out. I called my RE who by that time was already away for the weekend, but he told me to go to any nearby clinic and get another ultrasound. When I eventually found one that would take me, the doctor there was so sweet. She was literally about to close and all the other staff had gone home, but she agreed to give me an ultrasound (and she wouldn't even let me pay for it afterwards!). The u/s showed basically the same as the previous day - everything still intact and measuring correct. She advised me to take 3 days of bed rest, and to switch from progesterone suppositories to PIO (Progesterone in Oil) injections. I called my RE afterwards to check this with him and he agreed.

I am so confused about the whole progesterone thing. It seems my progesterone is very low, but there doesn't seem to be an accurate way to test this, as the blood test does not measure the effect of the suppositories and oral progesterone.

Anyway, after resting in bed for the rest of that day, the bleeding completely stopped, only to return yesterday evening - less than the previous day but it was certainly fresh blood, accompanied by wicked AF cramps. This morning I has quite a bit of brown discharge but no new bleeding and no cramps, and as of now (2pm) it seems to have stopped again. I called my RE and asked him if it would hurt to continue with all 3 forms of progesterone - PIO, oral and suppositories - and he said it wouldn't hurt. So that's what I'm doing. I can go in tomorrow for another ultrasound, at which point I'll be 6 weeks. Still maybe too early for the heartbeat, and I will have to do the u/s with the grumpy u/s technician instead of my RE, but I think it's worth it just to see if we're still measuring on track and if they can find a source of the bleeding.

So, this babe doesn't intend on giving mama an easy ride, it seems. I honestly don't mind bleeding every day for the next 8 months, as long as he/she sticks around. I have read so many stories and it seems about 50-50 success/eventual miscarriage. The one comfort I have is those great betas and perfect ultrasounds so far, so I am staying somewhat hopeful, but realistic....I know this could go either way at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Sending big hugs and lots of prayers your way. Get plenty of rest x x
