I went for another ultrasound yesterday, 6w0d. My RE said if the bleeding continued I should do the u/s earlier rather than later, so we went in to the clinic in the morning and waited for about an hour. The grumpy u/s technician was surprisingly sweet yesterday - Mic reckoned it was because he was there! He may have a point. The poor woman sees nobody but sad infertile women all day and does nothing but poke a wand up their vaginas from morning till night. So having a man make an entrance might have just been the highlight of her day.
Anyway, the great, amazing, unbelievable news is that our baby's heart is beating! We couldn't see it at first but when she pointed out how the little blob was pulsing away it was clear. And it was measuring a day ahead at 6w1d, so we came away quite overwhelmed. There was no sign of any subchorionic hematoma either, so they have no idea why I am still bleeding. The technician didn't seem concerned and said it's very common in the first trimester, but my RE always sounds a little more hesitant. When I called him later on he said to come in again in a week. When I told him I have to travel for work next week, from Sunday till the following Monday, he said if the bleeding is still ongoing I could come in on Thursday. Which would lead to the almost ridiculous total of 4 ultrasounds by the time I'm 6w4d.
Now for the not so great news. Not only is the bleeding continuing on and off, but last night I had what I can only describe as an attack, exactly the same as I occasionally get with AF on day 1. It starts with severe cramps, then I break out in a cold sweat. All the blood rushes from my face, and within about 10 minutes I am vomiting. This was combined with new, bright red bleeding. It only lasted about 15 minutes and then I was absolutely fine and the bleeding pretty much stopped, but it was terrifying for it to happen during pregnancy. I just don't know what to make of all this, and I am hoping beyond hope that it is not affecting what's going on inside my uterus. Mic blamed himself and said we shouldn't have dome so much walking yesterday, that I had tired myself out, but I'm sure there's more to it than that.
Despite all that, I am so happy that we have got this far, and I do have a small inner voice telling me that the baby is going to be fine. So again, I am going to try to just get used to this irritation and focus on the positive - we have a baby growing in there after 8 IVFs! If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is.
Anyway, the great, amazing, unbelievable news is that our baby's heart is beating! We couldn't see it at first but when she pointed out how the little blob was pulsing away it was clear. And it was measuring a day ahead at 6w1d, so we came away quite overwhelmed. There was no sign of any subchorionic hematoma either, so they have no idea why I am still bleeding. The technician didn't seem concerned and said it's very common in the first trimester, but my RE always sounds a little more hesitant. When I called him later on he said to come in again in a week. When I told him I have to travel for work next week, from Sunday till the following Monday, he said if the bleeding is still ongoing I could come in on Thursday. Which would lead to the almost ridiculous total of 4 ultrasounds by the time I'm 6w4d.
Now for the not so great news. Not only is the bleeding continuing on and off, but last night I had what I can only describe as an attack, exactly the same as I occasionally get with AF on day 1. It starts with severe cramps, then I break out in a cold sweat. All the blood rushes from my face, and within about 10 minutes I am vomiting. This was combined with new, bright red bleeding. It only lasted about 15 minutes and then I was absolutely fine and the bleeding pretty much stopped, but it was terrifying for it to happen during pregnancy. I just don't know what to make of all this, and I am hoping beyond hope that it is not affecting what's going on inside my uterus. Mic blamed himself and said we shouldn't have dome so much walking yesterday, that I had tired myself out, but I'm sure there's more to it than that.
Despite all that, I am so happy that we have got this far, and I do have a small inner voice telling me that the baby is going to be fine. So again, I am going to try to just get used to this irritation and focus on the positive - we have a baby growing in there after 8 IVFs! If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is.